1406 days ago,
1406 days ago,
One minute meditation
The one minute meditation is a transformative process. And if you practice it regularly enough, you get to a point where you don't need to think about it. You learn to recognize when stuff has accumulated and you need a little break, close your eyes, move in to that one minute of relaxation, letting go, and then back to the activity. The sequences are easy: First is the posture, Second is the breath and Third is the body awareness. and everything shifts.
Of course in the beginning you might need to think a little bit about the meditation and prepare for the meditation. But as time goes by, there'll be no thinking process. You'll know exactly the sequence, you'll know exactly what you need to do. You'll just close your eyes, very swiftly moving to this one minute experience and very swiftly moved back to the activity. And if you do it regularly, you'll find very interesting changes in your life.
When you do it regularly, you'll find very interesting changes in your life. So now we can move into the actual practice of the one minute meditation. Enjoy watching and following with this video.