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Why Set Intentions?
Setting an intention this month will help you carry through the year, but son’t stop there, set your intention before your meditation, yoga practice, or even before each of your day can be a powerful practice because it’s the first step to embodying that which you want. Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.” And how many times have you heard “What you think, you become,” or “Thoughts become things”?

If you’re focusing your mind on a specific intention during a meditation or before starting your day, you are bringing it to your focused mind, your thoughts, your heart … and in turn helping to bring it into reality.

How to Set an Intention
Your intention should be closely tied to your personal thoughts, values and perspective on life. Intentions can be a clear and specific wish, or as simple as a word or phrase you’d like to align yourself with, like “open your mind and heart,” “love,” “softness,” “strength,” “compassion for myself and others,” “peace,” or “freedom.” Try to keep the intention positive, so instead of saying “stop being a coward,” or “spend less time alone,” choose the intentions, “be courageous” or simply, “community”.

Here are some thought-starters to help you get started in forming an intention:

• What matters most to you?
• What would you like to build, create, or nurture in your life?
• What would you like to let go of?
• Who would you like to forgive in your life?
• How do you feel when you are your happiest self?
• What makes you proud?
• What word(s) would you like to align yourself with?
• What fears would you like to release?
• What are you grateful for?

10 Intentions You Can Borrow
1. Find balance
2. Open your mind and heart
3. Peace
4. Stay steady, calm and focused
5. Act with courage
6. Embrace change
7. Give and receive love
8. Allow yourself to be vulnerable
9. Connect with others
10. Love

“Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.”
~Deepak Chopra

Enjoy this video, and happy intention setting. Namaste, Gabi