1088 views · 2149 days ago

Gratitude comes in many form and shapes, and mine came yesterday at the end of yoga class; Our yogi teacher read for us, this message:

“Take a moment to see what you already have accomplished and congratulate yourself! Because so often we just go and go, push and push ourselves to achieve more… More physical activities, more goals to reach in our life, more money to make… and we just forget to stop and see that today was a great day. That today we already have done so much, even if today the only thing you did was to get out of bed…. Just remind yourself how wonderful you are, and how much you already have done by just getting out of bed…. and say to yourself, today i did very well. Thank you. “

This message resonated a lot with me because our mission here at fitfabandwelltube is: “Make people smile and feel good about themselves and others and to explore our awesomeness, through videos”.

So today and all week, try it, try to congratulate yourself, every day, on what you already have done and that it is ok, it is good enough!Namaste, Gabi