Between, last week and this week I’ve had three dreams where I was trying to calculate figures to get a sum. I wrote the numbers down and draw a line underneath, and just as I was about to calculate to get an answer some noise woke me up; every time! After, the third dream I concluded it wasn’t for me to figure out. Oftentimes, we spend most of our lives trying to figure stuff out, but is it necessary. Perhaps, this was a sign to me, that I’m not in control. If, you’re one that constantly try to figure out things can you trust that everything will work out in the end? Can you have faith and trust that everything will be well done on your behalf? And, if it doesn’t work out well can you trust that there is a reason it didn’t? Try it, try to breathe and let go of all the figuring out you’re currently doing. I already told you the best is yet to come. So, if you’re trying to figure it out... STOP!! Have faith and trust the process.
Dr, Joan Coleman