Level Up LinkedIn 10 Tips Series: Customize Your LinkedIn Content

1485 days ago, 694 views
Do you ever feel like your LinkedIn newsfeed is full of posts that you’re simply not interested in? LinkedIn has added ways for us to customize what types of content we see. The first tip is DON’T ENGAGE with anything that you DON’T like! That means don’t click Like (or Love, find Curious, etc.) or comment on a post or even watch a video. LinkedIn views these activities as indications that we want to see more of these types of posts. Click the 3 dots in the upper right-hand corner of posts. You can hide posts that you don’t want to see and unfollow a person. On an ad post, the options in the 3 dots are different. You can report an ad so that you no longer see those types of ads. Another option is Improve my Newsfeed. LinkedIn will show you people and pages it thinks you are interested in, and hashtags that you can follow so you see more posts . After customizing your newsfeed, you should find more interesting content in no time! Video 7 is part of the #10Tips10Days video challenge. Please Like this post and in the comments, type a hashtag that you like and think that others might enjoy, too. Please share with someone you think might benefit from this information. Follow #LevelUpLI10Tips to see the 10 videos I will be posting. #linkedinTips


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