Level Up LinkedIn 10 Tips Series: How to Look "LinkedIn Savvy"

1555 days ago, 650 views
Do you want to stand out from the noisy crowd on LinkedIn? There are 3 easy things that you can do to look “LinkedIn Savvy” and instantly boost your credibility. #1 Upload a profile picture. You should be the only one in the photo, have a pleasant expression, and be dressed the way you would when you visit a client. Profiles with pictures get viewed *11* more times than profiles without one. Viewers are suspicious if they don’t see a picture. #2 Create a cover banner that gives viewers an instant impression of who you are and what you do. A picture is worth 1000 words – what is your banner saying? I share some examples of good banners. #3 Customize your LinkedIn URL. The default is your name with numbers and letters after it. It is hard to remember and share. The easiest way to update is to change it to your name, perhaps with your middle initial. I also share one Bonus Tip in the video! These simple changes will make you look like an expert on LinkedIn. Video 2 is part of the #10Tips10Days video challenge. If you enjoyed this tip, please like this post and in the comment section, @mention someone who has a good Profile Picture or Cover Banner.


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