Third Eye 'Ajna' Chakra Guided Meditation

1663 days ago, 864 views
The third eye or “Ajna Chakra” lies on top of the spinal column and at the level of the eyebrows, It is the sixth chakra from the base of the spine. The pineal gland is stimulated by meditating on the third eye chakra and thereby awaken many dormant abilities of the human brain. The Third Eye Chakra The third eye chakra is also called the ajna chakra, meaning “perceiving” or “command.” It plays a role in helping you develop your inner and outer vision, your intuition – It’s responsible for your “wisdom quotient” – that deep well of inner knowing that you can learn to tap into, allowing you to better navigate this life. The color of this energy center is indigo blue. Incorporate it into your life by wearing it and envisioning it. I am Gabi Johnson and I will be your guide for tapping into your third eyes ‘Ajna’ guided meditation for clear intuitive vision #guidedmeditation #meditationvideo #fitfabandwelltube


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