Just Core XPRESS Week 6 Demo. (THE CHALLENGER)

1763 days ago, 739 views
3 groups of 3 exercises. 2 rounds each group. 3 different time interval levels. Level 1- 60 seconds each exercise, rest once the round is complete. Level 2- 45 seconds each exercise, 15 seconds rest in between. Level 3- 30 seconds each exercise, 30 seconds rest in between. *Plank hold to failure once everything is complete!! 5 min warmup/cool down stretch max. Group 1- PLANKS (2X) Forearm planks. Alt plank reach. Knee to opposite elbow. Group 2- WITH WEIGHTS (2X) Weighted flutter kicks. Weights leg drops. Weighted Jack knife. Group 3- MIX (2X) Alt side plank tucks. Scissor kicks. Alt arm/leg raise. *Forearm plank to failure!!!!!


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