1797 days ago,
1797 days ago,
The show must go on is interviewing Rekha Roa from Roa Legal Group, LLC....
Rekha shares with us how people are focusing on their affairs of state right now... and give us a great tip, when you do need to sign paperwork face to face
#StayHome #Covid19 #Attorney #fitfabandwelltube #TheShowMustGo On
Rao Legal Group, LLC (“RLG”) is committed to helping clients of all income levels and walks of life with their estate planning and elder law needs. For low to mid-level income families, RLG will coordinate both private and public resources to help pay for the astronomical costs of long term care. For higher net worth clients, RLG can establish advanced and sophisticated estate plans with a goal towards achieving a tax efficient disposition of assets upon death or an orderly succession plan in the event of incapacity.