Lets Play Local #StayHome

1806 days ago, 736 views
In this time of uncertainty, we invite you to support each other, to support our local economy, shops, partners and collaborators. the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber of Commerce shared a video with all their members recently, and in their message was precisely how to keep our local community at float and how we can help each other. So with this in view, we would like to invite you to use our platforms (it’s free) and communicate your message to your local community. Th more content your can create for your business in video, the more you will be in top of mind in our local market, so when our doors open again (and they will) people will feel like they have just seen you yesterday. Some of you already know who we are, but some may not know. We have two video platforms, both apply to b2b and b2c www.yourtowntube.com and one targeted specifically for fitness, wellness, fashion, beauty www.fitfabandwelltube.com #covid19 #video #socialdistancing #localbusiness


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