Technique Tip: Engage your Seat during Back Dancing in Reform

1933 days ago, 772 views
In Pure Reform, we occasionally end the strength training section of class by working our seats with the feet placed on the barre. Avoid pushing the hips up too far, which causes a misalignment in the legs and adds strain on the neck, and note that it may take you scooting back or forward slightly to find your correct distance away from the barre. By using proper form and pressing the balls of your feet onto the barre, you are adding even more resistance to the seat. Overtime, and when done correctly, this exercise improves strength in the seat, hips and hamstrings. #fitness #streches #wellness #yoga #videotutorial #princeton #downtownprinceton #fitfabandwelltube #fitfabwelltube #yourtowntube


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