Proper Tension in the Tubes during Abs in Reform #PureBarre @Princeton

1965 days ago, 612 views
Technique Tip: Find Proper Tension in the Tubes during Abs in Reform In Ab work during Pure Reform, you'll often use the tubes to add extra resistance to movement and help improve your core stability. Finding your best distance from the barre enables you to strengthen your core in a highly efficient way, without compromising your safe exercise form. Remember that everyone will look a little different in this position, based on height, arm length, core strength and core stability, so feel free to adjust your distance from the barre throughout the series as needed to find your best form. Finding proper tension in the tubes can take some practice, and your teacher is trained to help you find a good balance between not enough and too much tension. #core #exercise #fitness #fitnesstutorial #abstutorial #princetonvidoe #feelgood


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