Core workout in the pool #fitfabandwelltube

2055 days ago, 732 views
Today we will not be swimming, instead, I will show you an abs and core workout you can do in the swimming pool. Each round takes you around 4 minutes. Which means that if you do all 5 rounds it should take you around 20 minutes. #swimming #coreexercise #fitness #youthexercise 5x { V-up hold - :30 Dolphin kick pushing the wall - :30 Butterfly kick on your back - 1 minute to complete a 50 meters Vertical kick- :30 Shark shimmy - :30 Rest 1 min} I hope you liked this and give it a try! If you do, please come back and share your thoughts with us. We have exciting new things on our webpage, like swimming articles that might be of interest to you


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