Avoiding Bearing Weight, Pregnancy #PureBarre @Princeton

2057 days ago, 760 views
Technique Tip: Avoiding Bearing Weight on Stomach during Pregnancy. Bearing weight directly on your stomach throughout pregnancy is contraindicated and should be avoided throughout class. However, strengthening the back during pregnancy is important for maintaining good posture and a stronger and stable core; the core muscles wrap around and are connected to the back muscles, and we want to keep the core and back muscles as strong and stable as possible throughout your pregnancy to prepare for labor and delivery. Try one of the following options to strengthen your back, without placing weight directly onto your front side: 1) work in a quadraped position and extend opposite arm and leg, or 2) come to a kneeling posture and perform back squeeze-ins with light hand weights. Your teacher will be ready to help you find an alternative that is well-tolerated for you! #purebarre #princeton #fitness #wellness #reformer #purebarrepregnancy #mercer #purebarreprinceton


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