Swimming is like flying @fitfabandwelltube

2074 days ago, 797 views
Gravity is part of my every day, it always pulls the same way. I can’t seem to get away, It pulls in may and it pulls in a nice summer day. It pulls during winter and it pulled for sure today. Noise is also everywhere I go, I like it like I like my foe. But there is one place I know, where there is nothing but flow. But there is one catch, I have to use my core. For I have entered into the unknown, where gravity is no more and noise seems so long ago. All I have to go go go is the rhythm of my row. So I slide and glide and ride the tide and even sometimes in my mind I fly. I don’t even have to try and I feel like water is the sky. But then I remember that I am just a spy for living in this world one cannot buy One has to return to where I am just a guy. And make peace with noise and gravity until next time I leave them on stand by. #swimming #swimmingtutorial #swimmingtechniquevideos #fitfabandwelltube


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