15 Minute Full Body Workout I Train | lululemon

2141 days ago, 836 views
Take this short, active workout on the go with you. These bodyweight exercises will help you work up a sweat with exercises you can do anywhere. It's a great way to give your day a jumpstart. Instructed by lululemon ambassador, Jordan Bowers. 15 Minute Full Body Workout Plan: 1. World’s Greatest x 3 2. Wall Angels x 10 3. World’s Greatest x 8 4. Wall Angels x 10 5. Push ups with Hand Release x 10 6. Lateral Fast Feet x 3 7. Isometric Glute Bridges x 5 8. Pushups with Hand Release x 10 9. Lateral Fast Feet x 3 10. Isometric Glute Bridges x 5 11. Sprinter Lunges x 8 per side 12. Frogs x 8 13. Sprinter Lunges x 8 per side 14. Frogs x 10 15. Single Arm Plank x 5 16. Hollow Body Rock to Superheroes for 15 seconds per side x 5 17. Single Arm Plank x 5 18. Hollow Body Rock to Superheroes for 15 seconds per side x 5 Optional Equipment: Yoga Mat