2108 days ago,
2108 days ago,
Every time you go to reach for something sugary, just picture me there on your shoulder, as your personal Jiminy cricket, questioning if you really want to eat that. If that's not enough, then here are 4 tips for curbing those sugar cravings: 1) Drink a glass of water (6-8 ounces). Your brain often confuses thirst and hunger. Once you start drinking, your stomach will be full and your cravings will be gone. 2) Bitters: A bitters spray, like Urban Moonshine, will help you forget about your cravings because of the bitter taste that you spray in your mouth. You can do this with lemons or limes too. 3) Peppermint Essential Oil: Drink as a tea or put a few drops in a sachet and take a whiff. 4) Citrus flavors as a room spray to give you a bit of calm