Dr. Joan Interview #YouShineMovement

2311 days ago, 1773 views
YouShine Movement - Kapu Patel Photography. YouShine Movement The Teen Campaign Sunday, January 6, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm Dr. Joan Coleman Owner, Let Me Be Me Inspiring Confidence & Self Esteem in Young Adults. Interviewing Kapu Patel Owner, Kapu Patel Photography www.KapuPatelPhotography.com We are seeking 10 teen participants (girls and boys) who believe in the power of inner beauty as much as outer shine. Come get photographed for an empowering portrait exhibit and meet with other teens with the same perspective. It’s a place to connect, brainstorm, spread awareness, BE PHOTOGRAPHED and have fun! Age: 12-17 years. In your words describe What makes you one of a kind beautiful: Up to 500-words in the form below. A commitment to participate on: Sunday afternoon, Jan 6th 2019 (Snow date: Sunday afternoon, Jan 13th 2019). A Parent or Legal Guardian Release is required to participate as we will be using the images for media and exhibits.


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