Showing 61 to 70 of 75 blog articles.
606 views · 1187 days ago

#floodinsurance, yes we got a lot of rain this season and even some tornadoes, so do you know what your flood insurance covers? And if you do not have one, why you should consider one.
Tags: heyesther, princetonmercerinfluencer, homeownerinsurance, floodinsurance, localbusiness, thebuylocalconnection, princetonnj, womenleadership, tutorialvideo, insurancehowto, fitfabandwelltube

592 views · 2143 days ago

Most of us are people pleasers. On the contrary, not because we want to be; but because it is ingrained in us. We, do not want to disappoint those we deem important in our lives.... we, would rather betray ourselves just to please others. So, how do we move pass betraying ourselves? Simple, we follow our hearts. If someone ask or suggest something to you, and you disagree or say no, and feel bad about it chances are you’re displaying symptoms of being a people pleaser (only if it doesn’t feel good). Therefore, the remedy should be to always follow your heart. If your heart says no... go with that... if it makes your heart happy... go with that... if it’s your heart’s desire... go with that.... whatever makes your heart glad; anything safe and does not cause physical harm to others... go with it. Remember, you have one life... live it with a cheerful heart!

588 views · 1907 days ago

I was reading the book The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and came across these words, “No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world, and normally he doesn’t know it.” Friends, I know that we get so caught up with life, that we don’t know now important of a role we play in it. Listen, it is time to gain an understanding, of how central you are in the history of the world. Lesson, you make a profound difference, you are impactful. Tip, start valuing yourself more, start to see that you are the difference!! It’s time to become aware... it’s time to understand that the world have need of all you’ve got to give!

576 views · 938 days ago

Hi I am Allison Farcus you can find me on IG @sauteandsoiree. In this quick video I share an easy recipe with Shiitake Mushroom Bacon...

Shiitake mushrooms are high in B vitamins, and they serve as a food source of vitamin D. Some shiitake health benefits include the ability to aid weight loss, support cardiovascular health, fight cancer cells, improve energy levels and brain function, reduce inflammation, and support the immune system.

#Shiitakemushroom @fitfabandwelltube #food #snacks

556 views · 938 days ago

Hi I am Laura Matlaga and welcome here i will share some benefits about Lemon Essential Oil.
Lemon essential oil can be diluted and applied topically to your skin, as well as diffused into the air and inhaled. Some people swear by lemon essential oil as an ingredient that fights exhaustion, helps with depression, clears your skin, kills harmful viruses and bacteria, and reduces inflammation.

Add Lemon essential oil to your water for a refreshing taste or as an alternative to sodas and sugary drinks. When taken internally, this esential oil can also naturally cleanse the body and aid in digestion. * You can even add a drop of Lemon essential oil and sliced fruit to your water for a delicious infused flavor.

Watch my video for more tips

#aromatherapy #eseentialoils #wellness #health @fitfabandwelltube @LauraMatlaga

551 views · 1732 days ago

On a walk a few days ago, I held my face to the sun, and thought how happy I was to be alive. Friends, I looked around, and was mesmerized by the way the trees stood tall....adorned with cherry blossoms. Additionally, I smiled at the perfect pitch in which the birds sang their songs. Listen, in light of the plight happening here and around the globe, I began musing about the beauty of the world. In that moment, I realized, that the beauty of the world was right here on my walk! Lesson, try to celebrate the beauty that you see before you everyday! Tip, take the time to let the sun (or the rain), hit your face. Look around you, take in the scenery, the scents and the sounds of nature. Take heed to the beauty that surrounds you!

519 views · 1727 days ago

Friends, these are trying times! Many of us never imagined, that we would live to be apart of a pandemic. Times like these will test your determination, courage, strength, and patience. Listen, we are a tenacious people. We know how to bounce back. Lesson, keep persevering keep holding on, because change is inevitable. Tip, don’t worry, don’t panic, and don’t you fret....trouble don’t last always!

517 views · 1888 days ago

The power of believing. I was pondering the question today...why is it so difficult for us to believe that there is good in the world? As children we believed we would do good, and that we could become anything good we put our minds to, but, as we grow older the act of believing wane, we become cynical. Friends, we are living in a time where it’s hard to believe that things and people can be good. Listen, if we spend our days being cynical we will surely miss out on meeting good people, doing good things and hearing great ideas. Lesson, if you’ve searched high and low and just cannot find good in the world, good in someone or’s a ~Tip, be the good and believe in yourself! If only you believed!

513 views · 674 days ago

Skull Shining Breath
Kapalabhati is a traditional internal cleansing technique (kriya), and can be used as a simple warm-up for formal pranayama
Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath)


kapala = skull

bhati = light (implying perception, knowledge)

Step 1

Kapalabhati consists of alternating short, explosive exhales and slightly longer, passive inhales. Exhales are generated by powerful contractions of the lower belly (between the pubis and navel), which push air out of the lungs. Inhales are responses to the release of this contraction, which sucks air back into the lungs.

Step 2

Focus on your lower belly. Many beginners aren’t able to isolate and contract this area. If needed, cup one hand lightly in the other and press them gently against your lower belly.

Step 3
Now quickly contract (or pump your fisted hands against) your lower belly, pushing a burst of air out of your lungs. Then quickly release the contraction (or your hands), so the belly “rebounds” to suck air into your lungs. Pace yourself slowly at first. Repeat eight to 10 times at about one exhale-inhale cycle every second or two.

Step 4

As you become more adept at contracting/releasing your lower belly, you can increase your pace to about two exhale-inhale cycles every second. Imagine the exhale sweeping out or “brightening” the inner lining of your skull.

Step 5

Do 25 to 30 cycles at first. Gradually increase the number of cycles you do each practice to 100 or more.

Find Praja on IG @praja_today

480 views · 340 days ago

Buteyko breathing is a technique developed by Konstantin Buteyko, a Russian doctor. It involves a series of breathing exercises and techniques to help regulate breathing patterns. The main principle is to reduce the volume of air that is breathed in order to increase the body's carbon dioxide levels. Some benefits of Buteyko breathing may include improved control of asthma symptoms, reduced anxiety, better sleep quality, and improved overall breathing patterns. However, it's important to note that individual results may vary, and it's best to consult a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new breathing or wellness practice.

#buteykobreath #breathwork #mindfulbreath
@saulthaus on Saturday 1/27 10.30 to 4.30 pm
Yoga Wellness Retreat
Breath - Reset & Renew