Showing 1 to 10 of 75 blog articles.
1954 views · 1737 days ago

As the pace of our lives continues to accelerate, driven by a host of forces seemingly beyond our control, more and more of us are finding ourselves drawn to engage in meditation, in this radical act of being. We are moving in the direction of meditative awareness for many reasons, not the least of which may be to maintain our individual and collective sanity, or recover our perspective and sense of meaning, or simply to deal with the outrageous stress and insecurity of this age.

By stopping and intentionally falling awake to how things are in this moment, purposefully, without succumbing to our own reactions and judgments, and by working wisely with such occurrences with a healthy dose of self-compassion when we do succumb, and by our willingness to take up residency for a time in the present moment in spite of all our plans and activities aimed at getting somewhere else, completing a project or pursuing desired objects or goals, we discover that such an act is both immensely, discouragingly difficult and yet utterly simple, profound, hugely possible after all, and restorative of mind and body, soul and spirit right in that moment. It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.

It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.

Loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity are rigorous meditation practices, used for the most part to cultivate one-pointed concentrated attention, out of which the powers of these evoked qualities emerge, transfiguring the heart. Just naming these qualities of heart explicitly and making their role explicit in our practice may help us to recognize them when they arise spontaneously during mindfulness practice. As well as to incline the heart and mind in that direction more frequently, especially in difficult times.

But with practice direct observation itself, on its own, becomes the embodiment of loving-kindness and compassion all by itself, and is capable of embracing any mindstate, however afflictive are toxic. And in the seeing of it and the knowing of it—in open-hearted non-reactive, non-judgemental presence—we can see into the nature of the anger or grief for whatever it is. And in the seeing, in the embracing of it, in the knowing of it, as we have seen, it attenuates, weakens, evaporates, very much like touching a soap bubble or like writing on water.

A Loving-Kindness Mediation For Deep Healing of Ourselves and Others

1825 views · 2156 days ago

What do you do when things aren’t going your way? Do you stay in bed and draw the covers over your face? Do you call a friend and tell them how bad things are going in your life? Or, do you pick yourself up, and tell yourself everything will be ok. I must admit, that sometimes it’s hard. We’ve all experience difficulties, and challenges at some point in our lives, and sometimes it’s hard to move out of that space. However, to stay in the place of defeat is not an option. Therefore, I say feel what you feel... talk to whom you need to talk to, and feel what you feel some more;then shake it off!! The difficulties and challenges you’re going through are not here to take you out! So, pick yourself up, pull the covers off your head, make your bed and move forward. The obstacles you’re facing is a test to see if you are able to overcome, and guess what? I believe in you... I believe you can!!!

1795 views · 2013 days ago

Last week was a trying week for me and probably many others too. I mean, have you ever had one of those weeks where it’s a mind thing? Where there are days you find yourself soul-searching, self-analyzing, over thinking, and you have to fight to keep your thoughts right just so you can maintain a positive mindset. Listen, introspection is good, but if you start to feel as though you haven’t gotten it all together yet, you can become overwhelmed. I know, it’s not always easy to think positivity, sunshine and butterflies, however, I’m so glad that we get the chance (seven days) to try, try, and try again. Lesson, changing your self-talk, mindset, and thought patterns to a positive one when life challenges you takes practice. Therefore, be thankful for all the tough weeks you’ve survived, because guess what? You are growing!

1709 views · 2398 days ago

Memorial Day has come to mean the beginning of summer, a time for picnics and barbecues, and a holiday to gather around the family. That happiness and freedom, however, is a product of the real cause for the holiday: the sacrifice made by men and women who have fought and died for the freedoms and liberties Americans hold dear. Memorial Day is a time to remember that the American way of life is not cheap but rather has been purchased by the lives and blood of so many who have sacrificed for us to live free and happily now.

~ Where we gather today ‘neath “The Stars,”
Let’s honor the living now wearing the scars
Which they brought from the fields of battle and strife,
While protecting “Our Flag” and our Nation’s life.
Lets the flowers bear tribute in their simple way.
And each on remember Memorial Day;

~ Frederick W. Emerson (Memorial Day)

1528 views · 2158 days ago

People are special and amusing. We like to call ourselves movers and shakers, but we really are runners. We run from here to there busying ourselves, with things that for the most part does not benefit us. We all want to look and feel important so that’s what we do;we busy ourselves to look and feel important. The kicker... you are what ever you think you are without all of the extras. You ARE in fact, beautiful , important, extraordinary, amusing, loved, at peace, and every and any good thing you can think of. You never have to pretend and act as if, because you already slow down, move with the beat of your heart, breath, and find your rhythm. You possess goodness. Therefore, move at a pace where you, and others can enjoy it!

1509 views · 2135 days ago

So, you think you didn’t have a great start at life. You didn’t do things that were expected of you. You were rebellious, you knew everything there was to know about anything, and of course with that you’ve made many mistakes. Now what? You just got out of what? Your marriage didn’t work out... now what? The money you thought you could easily replace is now needed for something important, and you don’t have it.... now what? Whatever your circumstance or situation; do you give up? There are a few questions you must give an answer to concerning the story of your life. If you are struggling with the mistakes of the past... the mistakes you made yesteryear, yesterday or the day before... let it all go. Your story is not over. You, my friend can move forward.. you can rewrite your story... you can start again!

1499 views · 1995 days ago

I am of the belief that if the thing you were expecting to go your way didn’t work out... you’ve dodged a bullet. I believe wholeheartedly that when things don’t work out the way we want them to, there’s something bigger and better in store for us. However, no one ever thinks that way when they’re disappointed. Instead, we become frustrated, distressed and annoyed, because we’re unable to change the unfavorable results. Let’s say for example, you interview for that dream job, they loved you, they promise to call and your expectations are high, you’re grinning when you leave, happy because you think it’s in the bag. Weeks later they call and tell you, that they’ve hired someone else... How Frustrating!! In this particular case-expectation feeds frustration. Listen, it’s ok, every opportunity that presents it self before you may not necessarily be for you. Yes, it looks good, and sounds good, but that doesn’t mean it is good. Lesson, if the door doesn’t open...celebrate, be grateful and know there is something bigger and even better for you. Tip, believe...believe that something better awaits you!!

1473 views · 2312 days ago

The worth and meaning of a gift do not come from the size of the box, its monetary value, or even the ribbon that adorns it. Its meaning comes from how it makes you feel inside as the recipient and as the giver. The greatest gifts are not boxes filled with things, but beautiful presents that hold so much more: love, kindness, selflessness, and gratitude. They all make up the beautiful gift of life. Enjoy this short meditation for being grateful for the gift of life! Namaste.

1425 views · 2374 days ago

Your mind is so powerful – you cannot even imagine that! It is extremely powerful and can really do wonders and reprogram your subconscious mind. But what is more, your mind remains quite flexible throughout your whole life – and that is fantastic.

You might have had questions about two categories of people: one of them manage to achieve success in whatever they start working on, while others tend to fail more frequently than others. Why is it so? What leads both of them to be either on the winners’ or the losers’ side?

The answer is simple: their mindset.

Start with this short meditation and visualization video and practice as often as you can and see the change taking place,

Explore your awesomeness!
Namaste, Gabi

1375 views · 1620 days ago

The Sacral Chakra Houses Creativity, Relationships, and Sexuality

Being creative in nature, the sacral chakra’s main focus is allowing the individual to discover what they enjoy, to form hobbies, create loving and exciting relationships, and even creativity in lovemaking and sexual eroticism.

The second chakra is centered on personal identity or personal play in the external world and how it responds to the seductive forces of the physical world. Therefore, if the second chakra is unbalanced, it can lead to addictions of drugs, sex, gambling and money.

The Svadhisthana is the foundation of a healthy ego that allows us to interact with the world without selling ourselves short or pretending to be someone we are not. A person with a strong second chakra can survive financially and physically on his or her own and bond with others to form harmonious friendships. A balanced second chakra has the ability to take risks and have the resilience to recover when things go wrong.

But if the first chakra is already out of balance with lack of root support, how are you supposed to learn how to form harmonious friendships, relationships and healthy physical interests later in life?

If you need to balance your root chakra see our previous video, otherwise follow this guided meditation to awaken and balance your second chakra