688 views · 2138 days ago

A few days ago, I was listening to researcher Brene Brown’s ted talk about vulnerability. She said that, most people find it difficult to let others see or perceive them as being vulnerable. Brene continued, “Many people wear multiple masks, in hopes of hiding their vulnerabilities.” Think about it, we have a mask for school, a mask for work, and a mask for entertaining (the list goes on). The mask, changes according to locations and situations, and they cover up the real us....the authentic us. I want us to be encouraged, I want us to be honest, and I want us to stop hiding that we’re vulnerable. After all, we are only human. Let’s administer change by not judging, gossiping, or ridiculing others; everyone for the most part is doing their best. Therefore, let’s stop hiding behind that mask and practice being authentic. Trust me, no one can take that from you. Stop caring about what others think... be true to you. Live!!!