791 views · 2171 days ago

Yesterday, a young man and I was having a conversation and he wanted answers. The young man asked “What is the purpose of life?” I began to explain to him that, the purpose of life is to serve others, to love unconditionally, to walk in integrity and to keep peace. Additionally, I told him to believe in something greater than himself. The young man, who was 16 years old, could not wrap his head around what I had said. He thought how could that be when people are sick with all different types of cancer, and mental illnesses. How could that be when men are violent, angry, mean. How could that be when babies are dying, and people are killing each other. He just couldn’t relate... he didn’t understand because of the shambles; the state of the world. What, I communicated to him, and now to you is that we are not here for ourselves. We are here on assignment, we are here to help each other, we are here for a time, and we are here on purpose. We are not here by chance, we are chosen. We made it into the world, we are breathing, we are living this life. Surely, when we look at the world systems and things that are happening around us we become disheartened. But, we must also look for and see the good. Keep your eyes up, and remember... your living is not in vain!