614 views · 2222 days ago

Most of us are people pleasers. On the contrary, not because we want to be; but because it is ingrained in us. We, do not want to disappoint those we deem important in our lives.... we, would rather betray ourselves just to please others. So, how do we move pass betraying ourselves? Simple, we follow our hearts. If someone ask or suggest something to you, and you disagree or say no, and feel bad about it chances are you’re displaying symptoms of being a people pleaser (only if it doesn’t feel good). Therefore, the remedy should be to always follow your heart. If your heart says no... go with that... if it makes your heart happy... go with that... if it’s your heart’s desire... go with that.... whatever makes your heart glad; anything safe and does not cause physical harm to others... go with it. Remember, you have one life... live it with a cheerful heart!